Deshae Frost Height, Weight, Age, Spouse, Kids, Parents Net Worth 2023 & More

Deshae Frost, whose full name is Smith Frost, is a rising star in the entertainment industry. With a net worth of $2 million, he has achieved remarkable success at a young age.

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Date of Birth: 9 January 2001

Born on the 9th of January in 2001, Deshae Frost is only 22 years old, yet he has already made a significant impact in the world of comedy and social media.

Birthplace: Seattle, Washington, United States

Hailing from Seattle, Washington, Deshae Frost’s roots trace back to this vibrant and diverse city in the United States.

Current Residence: Seattle

Deshae Frost still resides in his hometown of Seattle, where he continues to nurture his talents and pursue his career in entertainment.

Profession: Stand-Up Comedian and Social Media Personality

Deshae Frost wears multiple hats in the entertainment industry. He is known for his stand-up comedy, where his sharp wit and humor have won over audiences. Additionally, he has carved a niche for himself as a social media personality, using platforms like Instagram and YouTube to connect with his fans.

Nationality: American

As an American citizen, Deshae Frost is deeply rooted in the cultural fabric of the United States, and he proudly represents his nation through his work.

Religion: Christian

Deshae Frost follows the Christian faith, and his beliefs often influence his comedy and social media content.

Ethnicity: Afro-American Descent

With Afro-American heritage, Deshae Frost celebrates his cultural background, using it as a source of inspiration for his creative endeavors.

Hometown: Seattle, Washington

Seattle, Washington, holds a special place in Deshae Frost’s heart. It is where he grew up and honed his skills, and he continues to call it home.

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Born under the Capricorn zodiac sign, Deshae Frost possesses the determination and discipline that are characteristic of this sign. These qualities have undoubtedly contributed to his success in the competitive world of entertainment

Father Name: Mr. Frost

Mr. Frost, the proud father of Deshae Frost, has been a guiding force in his son’s life. He has been a pillar of support throughout Deshae’s journey to success.

Mother Name: Mrs. Frost

Mrs. Frost, Deshae Frost’s mother, has played an equally vital role in shaping her son’s life and career. Her unwavering love and encouragement have been instrumental in his achievements.

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Brother Name: Amare Frost

Amare Frost, Deshae’s brother, shares a close bond with him. They have stood by each other through thick and thin, sharing not only the bond of blood but also a deep friendship.

Sister Name: Brooklyn Frost

Brooklyn Frost, Deshae’s sister, adds warmth and joy to their family. Her presence has enriched their lives with love and laughter.

The Frost family, comprising Mr. Frost, Mrs. Frost, Amare Frost, and Brooklyn Frost, forms a tight-knit unit that has provided Deshae Frost with the love, support, and stability needed to pursue his dreams relentlessly.

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